Tuesday, March 11, 2008

gltrail - realtime logfile visualization

At work I'm hacking on a software that manages a rather large number of servers over the internet. A month ago I was thinking that it'd be cool to be able to monitor the messages flow between the machines in realtime in some graphical format. I started to do it with Python and wx, but then my motivation went elsewhere and the project got stalled. Today I ended up at fudgie.org which introduces gltrail - a realtime logfile visualization tool, main purpose being Apache access.log monitoring. It's got a strikingly similar user interface that I had planned, although gltrail is way more cool than I could have come up with (just watch the video on the site). Fortunately the software is licensed under GPL so if I later have time and motivation I've got great help now. Thank s/god/rms/ for free software!

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