I returned my master's thesis for inspection last Friday. Finally there's some leisure time ahead.
We'll stay in Sanna's summer cottage on a Sipoo island from today until Sunday. I need mail access for checking if my inspectors have sent any comments about my thesis. My cellphone's email application will suffice. I cannot afford to miss any comments because we are unsure if we can get the inspection process done before the deadline of May 28th. It seems improbable now. Missing the deadline will move my graduation date to September.
Not graduating this spring has both cons and pros. If I had my degree now, the TKK summer trainee salary would be higher than for not having the degree. On the other hand, should I graduate next autumn, I think I may pay my HYY membership fee for the whole student year 2009-2010, which in turn would grant me the public transportation discount of 50% for one additional year, which means a lot in savings! But having the degree now, again, would perhaps help me in search for the next job - a quest that I must begin during the summer.
Ok, that's enough pondering. Now, in which books I want to lose myself on the island? I'll take two works from Pekka Himanen: HIMeros and "The hacker ethic", Steppenwolf from H. Hesse and Hofstadter's GEB, that I've been slowly reading for a couple of years.
Online Text Tools Now Have Neat Icons
17 hours ago